Find, Reach and win your ideal customers

Get accurate contact data to drive more revenue faster

Hot contact data on cold prospects

Find and connect with sales prospects using affordable plans

Reach millions of decision makers in minutes

Scale up your prospecting and outreach with instant access to millions of verified prospects for your projects


Get laser-focused lists

Use our razor-sharp filters to get your list of 1,000 prospects in one go. Easily build your lists with accurate and actionable data on every single prospect. In one click, export lists to your CRM and put your workflows on autopilot.

Pinpoint your ideal customer

Easily build precise lists using our advanced search filters. Pull up accurate emails, work numbers, and direct dials on the right prospects.

The freshest data you can find

Join the largest community and work with the cleanest data day in, day out. Share your network’s contact info, get accurate data, free credits, and access to early features.

Accurate Human-Verified Data

Our world-class research team verifies and validates the accuracy of our data by calling direct dial phone numbers, mobile phone numbers, sending emails, and double-checking everything.


Go to market strong with the best B2B and B2C targeted leads.

Every organization has its own unique data needs. We’ll help you with yours. All of our plans include full onboarding support and can be customized to meet your needs.

Get Pricing Information

About us


Our mission is to make cold outreach a warmer experience.

We know that some of you are changing the world, disrupting whole sectors, and innovating. You have a lot on your plate, and we are proud to help you economize, fuel your growth and reach your next customer so that you and your business can be successful.


24hoursworks offers a range of premium packages to accommodate your business needs.


Rest easy knowing your information is secure and our data is vetted, safe, and compliant.


Your prospecting never slows with our lightning fast, productivity-minded extension.


Like our tool our team is focused on your needs and delivering a seamless experience.


We believe in positive and friendly work environment. We handle our business with smile.


We aim to lead our field we are always learning growing and striving to innovate 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Our Resources

Community’s Data Contribution

Community members are those who volunteer to contribute their data from their own social business network. Community members share email headers and signature blocks from their business email. This is information that would be found on a business card, including data attributes like names, email addresses, and phone numbers.

Third Parties

We license information from business partners who own established and trustworthy directories. Our partners utilize the most cutting-edge AI and machine learning technology to collect data from public records, publicly available information, and business directories.


Based on this CMS guidance, 24hoursworks data that are currently in use or intended to be used for 2022 AEP and subsequent enrollments is match able with proposed guidelines by CMS with SMID.

All sources we use for lead generation and all marketing pieces we obtain from third-party lead vendors. This encompasses marketing materials for generating leads and/or which may result in an MA plan enrollment. This includes, but is not limited to: television and radio advertisements, direct mail/print, digital, and/or website/social media.